Where to Mail Form 990-EZ to the IRS?

The IRS Mandates
E-filing of Form 990-EZ
Meet the IRS mandated e-filing requirements with ExpressTaxExempt!
- The leading IRS-authorized provider offering e-filing of 990-EZ exclusively.
- Choose from our Direct Form-entry or Interview style filing processes.
IRS Form 990-EZ Mailing Address
- Updated April 21, 2023 - 8.00 AM - Admin, ExpressTaxExemptBefore getting into Form 990-EZ Mailing Address, nonprofits and tax-exempt organizations must be aware that the IRS has mandated electronic filing of
Form 990-EZ for the organizations beginning on or after July 2, 2019. Learn More.
If your organization is eligible for paper filing, make sure to complete the required information on the form and attach the required schedules before you mail in your Form 990-EZ.
There are separate mailing addresses for the IRS and the State. Make sure you have the correct address before you mail in the form.
Table of Content
1. Form 990-EZ Mailing Address for the IRS
Form 990-EZ along with the required Schedules, should be sent to the IRS before the 990-EZ deadline to avoid the penalties. Make sure you send the forms to the correct address. If your organization is in a foreign country or a U.S. possession, it is a different address.
The due date to file Form 990-EZ is the 15th day of the 5th month after the organization's tax year ends.

Mail your Form 990-EZ to the below address:
Department of the Treasury,Internal Revenue Service Center,
Ogden, UT 84201-0027.

If your organization’s principal business, office, or agency is located in a foreign country or a U.S. possession, mail the forms to:
Internal Revenue Service Center,P.O. Box 409101,
Ogden, UT 84409.
Note: IRS Mandates Electronic Filing of Form 990. Learn More.
For more information on 990-EZ Mailing Address, check out the video!
2. Form 990-EZ Mailing Address for the States
Many states and local government units require nonprofits and tax-exempt organizations to mail in IRS Form 990-EZ in place of their financial report forms.
Click here to know more about the filing methods for a State, the forms to submit, and the address to mail in.
3. IRS Mandate Electronic Filing Requirements for Nonprofits and Tax-Exempt Organizations reporting Form 990-EZ
As mentioned earlier, the Internal Revenue Service mandates e-filing of Form 990-EZ. For the tax year beginning on or after July 2, 2019. Section 3101 of P.L. 116-25 requires that Nonprofits & tax-exempt organizations file 990 returns electronically.

If, for instance, you are filing a Form 990-EZ for the tax year beginning on or after July 2, 2019, you must file electronically.
4. Meeting IRS Mandate Electronic Filing Requirements of
Form 990-EZ with ExpressTaxExempt
Get started with ExpressTaxExempt, the market leader, and the IRS authorized e-file provider of 990 Forms, providing e-file solutions for nonprofits, tax-exempt, and private foundations.
- Supports all 990 Forms (Form 990-N, 990-EZ, 990, 990-PF, 990-T).
- Includes all the schedules.
- Internal audit check for transmitting error-free returns
- Add more users to manage the filing, and you can invite board members or review and approve your return.
- Live US-based customer support team for any assistance.
Visit https://www.expresstaxexempt.com/features/ to learn more about ExpressTaxExempt features.
Article Sources
Where To File - Forms Beginning With The Number 9
- Instructions for Form 990-EZ :

Meet mandate E-file requirements of Form 990-EZ with ExpressTaxExempt

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IRS Authorized E-File Provider